Their Turn - The Social Justice Movement of Our Time Their Turn - The Social Justice Movement of Our Time

Update: Two Elephants in Maine Need Your Voice

September 14, 2014 by Leave a Comment

The News

Update as of Monday, 9/15: The elephants are, unfortunately, en route from Maine to the Carson & Barnes circus facility (Endangered Ark Foundation) in Oklahoma from which Hope Elephants leased them. The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee, which is where they should be going, has stated that it is willing to collaborate with the circus to adopt and provide a real refuge for these abused circuses elephants. See below for how you can help.

Your Turn

On September 9th, TheirTurn reported that one of the two retired circus elephants at Hope Elephants in Maine trampled and killed the founder of the facility. According to its website, Hope intends to send Rosie and Opal back to their owners at The Endangered Ark Foundation in Oklahoma. Animal Rights Maine, on the other hand, is advocating to relocate them to The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee, arguing that the Ark Foundation is run by the family that manages “the cruel Carson & Barnes Circus known for violence toward elephants.”

Opal & Rosie (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)

Opal & Rosie (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)

Please ask the Board of Hope Elephants to work with the Carson & Barnes Circus to retire Rosie and Opal to The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee ( instead of keeping them at their circus facility, the Ark, in Oklahoma. Hope leased these elephants from the circus and is legally obligated to return them. However, instead of hiding behind the terms of their contract with the circus, Hope should be pressuring Carson & Barnes to move Rosie and Opal to the sanctuary.

For more information, please visit Animal Rights Maine and/or contact Melissa Gates, the organization’s Founding Director:

Comments via Facebook Comments

  1. Dahnn Hout says:

    They have been beat they entire life, please let them live in peace!!!!

  2. Claire Vinet says:

    Do what’s right and send these poor animals to the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee.

  3. yomara vega says:

    Why the people been so cruelty with animals, can u give us one reason, they donhave answers

  4. Michael Gorzka says:

    Please in the name of decency retire these poor creatures. Nothing on earth deserves to be treated like this. These sweet creatures deserve so much better!

  5. Casey Reppert says:

    These two elephants were forced to work hard all their life they deserve a good retirement home like The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee. Please give them a humane future.

  6. Dawn Redinger says:

    Come on….. Enough cruelty already. Let them go into retirement please.

  7. nahelly jacinto says:

    They deserve to be free theyve been slaves for a very long time they deserve to be happy

  8. Bill Rubin says:

    We must always work towards turning the cruelty and ignorance in this world into knowledge and compassion.

  9. Tammy Koross says:

    Please don’t return them to the circus!

  10. Sheila says:

    How sad! Thanks for letting us know who to send a letter to.

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