Their Turn - The Social Justice Movement of Our Time Their Turn - The Social Justice Movement of Our Time

Video: Activists Play Slaughterhouse Sounds in Chipotle

September 4, 2014 by Leave a Comment

The News

On September 2nd, the animal rights group Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) occupied a NYC Chipotle during lunch hour and played the sound of squealing animals to capture the attention of patrons.

Since October, 2013, DxE has conducted “It’s Not Food. It’s Violence” protests in 50 cities and 16 countries. The organization has targeted Chipotle because its marketing campaign deceptively suggests that its animals are humanely raised and slaughtered, making people feel good about eating abused animals when they might have otherwise abstained. “The company is trying to market killing as humane,” said a DxE spokesperson, “But there is no escaping the reality that slitting an animal’s throat is violent.”

Your Turn

Please visit Direct Action Everywhere to learn more about their campaign and to support their brave work by participating in their actions or donating.

Comments via Facebook Comments

  1. Daniel Rastenbury says:

    Veganism is a true Menatl Illness, that can be fixed with the ingestion of a rare and bloody 16 oz Porterhouse

    1. Animalover says:

      How much more sophomoric can you get!!!! To all the a**holes and idiots bothering to put in their worthless comments on this page, do yourselves a favor and go get an education!

      Veganism is not just about hideous animal suffering and barbaric slaughter, which you really don’t get, because you think of no one and nothing but yourself, it’s also about an increasingly more hostile human population exceeding 7 billion! a struggling, dying planet, with decimated rainforests, depletion of soil, droughts, polluted rivers and streams! About starvation in 3rd world countries and GLOBAL WARMING…ever hear of that???? It’s all due largely to the production of methane gas, a primary cause of climate change, by the billions of cattle roaming the planet, who consume precious resources,including grain that could be used for starving children. And all that, for your cancer/heart attack producing cheap burgers and bacon!

      They really don’t get more stupid than this, these days, do they?

  2. Joel says:

    I see the “enlightened” have decided to lie and play dead. Is this a “sentient” response?

  3. Pedro Con Carne says:

    Human beings are predatory omnivores. That is why we evolved with eyes that face forward, and our mouths are equipped with canine and incisor teeth. We’re pretty much the opposite of a cow or sheep.

    Why do these vegan creeps hate evolution and nature so much? They seem pretty messed-up.

    1. Logician says:

      “The is-ought fallacy occurs when the assumption is made that because things are a certain way, they should be that way. ”

    2. Gia says:

      This is not true. We have the digestive system, from mouth to anus, of a herbivore. We have no fangs, no slit pupils, no claws, no speed, no agility for which to hunt… And we are grossed out at the sight of blood. Did I mention that we are 99.999‰ genetically identical to primates ( that eat fruits and nuts and vegetation), not lions!

    3. michael green says:

      “The China Study” and “Whole:Rethinking The Science of Nutrition” T. Colin Campbell

      “80/10/10” Douglas N Graham “Raw Food Made Easy” Jennifer Cornbleet

      The Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness

      The Comparative Anatomy of Eating by Milton R. Mills, M.D.

      Cowspiracy- The Facts

  4. Tungsten says:

    Hitler was a vegetarian.

    1. michael green says:

      Perhaps this book might educate you differently. “Eternal Treblinka: Our Treatment Of Animals And The Holocaust” Charles Patterson, ISBN -93005-99-9.

  5. A different Rick says:

    Unfortunately, regardless of what we do, nature is and will always be fundamentally violent. Death at the claws and teeth of another animal is the probable ending for most animals, and is much more painful and brutal than death at any licensed and controlled slaughterhouse in our Western society.

    Why do we humans need slaughterhouses? Because as anyone who has engaged in hard physical labor knows, people who do the real work in this world need protein from meat to provide sustained strength. I can tell you from experience, no-one doing heavy continuous work survives on just salad for lunch.

    But I agree we can and must prepare our meat humanely. As an aside, Muslim-compliant slaughterhouses are not humane, as their ritual laws forbid the stunning of animals before killing them. If you see the Halal symbol on food packages, such as is the case with many Campbell’s soup products, be aware that the meat procured for that product was not humanely killed. notes that to be Halal-certified, when slaughtered “THE ANIMAL MUST NOT BE UNCONSCIOUS”.

    1. Missy says:

      Any of these assholes supporting the killing of these animals would also support the killing of cats, dogs and human babies, children, probably even other humans if they were “oh poor me” starving to death as a result of global warming or some other crisis. They are not to be trusted, they have no moral code, no empathy, no compassion, just a simple selfish crude brain seeking pleasure for it’s tongue. Keep your children way from these people for I have no doubt they would try to kill/eat them and each other if they were starving. They’re IQ’s are too low, their brains are not sophisticated enough to do anything other than think of themselves as worthy of being alive at the expense of others; when in fact they are the lowest genetic denominator in human evolution. They are the least worthy of survival. This is why humans kill animals and other humans so much in 3rd world nations because they have low IQ’s, they are incapable of higher functioning of selflessness and compassion. People of 1st world nations are creating a movement that calls for the end of ego driven self importance. That disgusting sense of hedonsim, entitlement, a grown man who rapes a child, a child molester who kills something smaller and weaker just because he can. Kill, roll it in grease and shove it in his fat face. His sense of entitlement and lack of ability to empathize with others is why he is slated for extinction, after his arteries fill up with grease. His death is meaningless because his life was lived for something as unimportant as his tongue.

    2. michael green says:

      “The China Study” and “Whole:Rethinking The Science of Nutrition” T. Colin Campbell

      “80/10/10” Douglas N Graham “Raw Food Made Easy” Jennifer Cornbleet

      The Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness

      The Comparative Anatomy of Eating by Milton R. Mills, M.D.

      Cowspiracy- The Facts

  6. Iggy Slanter says:

    Hey, why don’t you use the same energy to protect an unborn human instead of a unborn chicken?

  7. John says:

    If people aren’t supposed to eat animals, why are they made of meat?

  8. TheMustardFarmer says:

    A life is defined by it’s beginning and it’s end. And in it’s end it provides sustainance for a new beginning. Hence Life has no end.

    Only a fool would define one life as more worthy than another, for in the end, we are all endless.

  9. Rick says:

    All you vegans need to stop stealing the herbivores food source and believe me when it comes down to it, you will all starve while we feed the animals

  10. Greg G says:

    If God didn’t mean for us to eat the little animals, he wouldn’t have made them so tasty when grilled with bbq sauce.

  11. Joel says:

    Yet it’s completely “OK” to kill and harvest billions of plants every year? Who the feck decides which beings are OK to kill?

    1. Donny Moss says:

      Plants aren’t sentient. They have no nervous system and are unable to feel pain. As an aside, eating plants is far better for the environment and for your health.

      1. Greg G says:

        If eating plants is so healthy, why do vegans look so sickly?

      2. Dragon says:

        Au contraire.
        There are many studies that show plants react to being assaulted. There was a study where a tech cut off the leaves of a plant, whenever that tech came in the room all the plants in the room showed measurable reactions. The reactions did not occur when other techs came in the room

      3. buttrash says:

        Whatever you have to tell yourself, wacko.

        1. Dragon says:

          Google is your friend
          Try “Cleve Baxter 1960’s plant experiments”
          The rest of the world has known for about 50 years and you can learn all about it in 2014

    2. Jenn says:

      Plants tho…

  12. Kate says:

    Whent he famine begins we shall eat the vegans first.

    1. Joel says:

      Soylent green tastes best with a glass of corn based ethanol.

  13. Natasha Brenner says:

    If I weren’t a vegan already, I would become one.

  14. Elizabeth Ohlendorf says:

    Very powerful!!! Bravo to these activists!!!

    1. Perfesser says:

      Yeah, go do it somewhere else.

  15. WAYNE JOHNSON PH.D. says:


    1. Joel says:

      And who have our vegan overlords sent to indoctrinate the carnivores?

  16. Zizi says:

    Bravo to those who speak out against the slaughter, the violent murder and mutilation of sentient beings for the dinner plate!

  17. Kelly says:

    Frak yeah!

  18. Starr says:

    Such brave work by these activists! Thank you Their Turn for letting us know.

    1. Perfesser says:

      Oh, yes, so “brave”

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