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Washington Post Reports that Some Raspberry Pastries Contain Anal Secretions

August 11, 2014 by Leave a Comment

The News

In an article about tick bites triggering allergies to meat and dairy, the Washington Post reports that a flavoring in some raspberry pastries “comes from the anal scent glands of the North American beaver.” Of course, the important news here for animals is that thousands of people can no longer eat them: “Thanks to the Lone Star tick, a tide of involuntary vegetarianism is rolling up the Eastern seaboard, where it is the likely cause of thousands of cases of severe red meat allergies. The allergy can cause hives, breathing problems, a drop in blood pressure or even anaphylactic shock after eating red meat or dairy.”

Lone Star tick. (AP Photo/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, James Gathany)

Lone Star tick. (AP Photo/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, James Gathany)

News & Opinion

If dog is man’s best friend, then ticks are cows’ best friend. Thanks to these Lone Star ticks, the lives of tens of thousands of cows will be spared because thousands of people can no longer eat them. Allergies are no fun for humans, but being branded with fire, castrated, de-horned with no painkillers before being slaughtered is no fun for cows. Why wait to be bitten by a tick to stop eating animals when doing so now is so good for your health, the environment and, of course, the animals?

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