Their Turn - The Social Justice Movement of Our Time Their Turn - The Social Justice Movement of Our Time


PETA’s Ad Sparks Fury (and Discussion?)

August 8, 2014 by Leave a Comment

The News

After learning that a human leg was found at a recycling plant in Dublin, PETA produced an ad depicting a human leg on a dinner plate to remind people that “all meat is murder.” A furious Council Member said, “The deliberate use of human remains in an advertisement is sickening and disgusting . . .That person will have family, friends and loved ones worried about them and I would call on PETA to stop trying to gain publicity out of such a sickening situation.”

Meat is murder

News & Opinion

Given the extraordinary challenge of getting the general public to give serious thought to the plight of animals, PETA employs attention-grabbing tactics, such as nude protests, that many find offensive. But do the benefits of these tactics outweigh the downsides?  I think so.  These tactics generate media coverage that our typical protests do not receive.  And media coverage drives people to their website, which can trigger people to go veg.

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