Their Turn - The Social Justice Movement of Our Time Their Turn - The Social Justice Movement of Our Time

LGBTs Bully and Abuse Animals at Gay Rodeos

August 11, 2014 by Comments are off for this post

The News

In press coverage surrounding the gay rodeo in Ohio this week, the International Gay Rodeo Association (IGRA) says that “No one faces discrimination during the LGBT event.” In other words, everyone is invited to twist the neck of a terrified cow and wrestle him to the ground. Andrew Zollman, a San-Francisco-based activist with LGBT Compassion said during one of his LGBT rodeo protests, “As gay people, it is personal to us that people in our community would, after experiencing oppression and abuse and having to fight for their own rights and protections, turn around and unnecessarily abuse and bully animals.”

gay rodeo

News & Opinion

Rodeos are animal-bullying events masquerading as sport. How can LGBTs, many of whom, like me, have been bullied, organize a spectacle centered around abusing animals who have no voice? If anyone, gay or straight, did to their dogs what is done to the bulls, steers, calves, horses and other animals at rodeos, they would be charged with animal cruelty. Also disheartening is to see gay people bullying and attacking other gay people who stage peaceful protests outside of these events. Learn more and consider protesting at one of the many upcoming LGBT rodeos.

Washington Post Reports that Some Raspberry Pastries Contain Anal Secretions

August 11, 2014 by Comments are off for this post

The News

In an article about tick bites triggering allergies to meat and dairy, the Washington Post reports that a flavoring in some raspberry pastries “comes from the anal scent glands of the North American beaver.” Of course, the important news here for animals is that thousands of people can no longer eat them: “Thanks to the Lone Star tick, a tide of involuntary vegetarianism is rolling up the Eastern seaboard, where it is the likely cause of thousands of cases of severe red meat allergies. The allergy can cause hives, breathing problems, a drop in blood pressure or even anaphylactic shock after eating red meat or dairy.”

Lone Star tick. (AP Photo/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, James Gathany)

Lone Star tick. (AP Photo/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, James Gathany)

News & Opinion

If dog is man’s best friend, then ticks are cows’ best friend. Thanks to these Lone Star ticks, the lives of tens of thousands of cows will be spared because thousands of people can no longer eat them. Allergies are no fun for humans, but being branded with fire, castrated, de-horned with no painkillers before being slaughtered is no fun for cows. Why wait to be bitten by a tick to stop eating animals when doing so now is so good for your health, the environment and, of course, the animals?

Terrified Pigs Squeal at Church’s Annual Pig Wrestling Fundraiser; Activists Protest

August 11, 2014 by 3 comments

The News

Activists in Wisconsin protested St. Patrick Parish’s 44th annual pig wrestling match in Wisconsin during which the animals are “punched in the face, kicked, body-slammed, jumped on, yelled at and thrown into a bucket,” according to the Global Conservation Group of Watertown, which collected 60,000 signatures on a petition that describes the event as animal fighting.  The video footage shows pigs squealing as they are being held down after being chased around a muddy ring. Ken Bilgrien, a deacon at St. Patrick said, “It’s strictly fun.”

News & Opinion

How can hundreds of people pay money to watch helpless pigs squeal in terror as they are wrestled to the ground — at a church fundraiser, no less?  Shouldn’t these Christians intervene to stop the abuse when they hear the pigs cry out? Let’s help put a stop to this by signing the petition and contacting the church that produces this abusive event.


More Than Just Lips & Rectums on Labor Day

August 11, 2014 by 1 comment


Several years ago, I heard an activist talk about the reaction she received when she was distributing free veggie dogs at a ball park. Some people said, “Eww. What’s in that?” to which she responded, “Grains, soy and vegetables, not to be confused with the lips and rectums in the other hot dogs.” In my 24/7 attempt to get people to eliminate or reduce their consumption of animals, I use that line all the time.  I wish, however, that I could use this video instead; pictures really do speak a thousand words. Not all hot dogs are made this way, but, hopefully, this footage will trigger some people to grill veggie dogs instead of mystery meat during their Labor Day BBQs.  Share it!

NY Times Publishes Reckless Op Ed by Ex-Vegan

August 11, 2014 by Comments are off for this post


In an opinion piece in the NY Times entitled “The Enigma of Animal Suffering,” “former vegan” Rhys Southan gives readers permission to eat animals while simultaneously acknowledging that their treatment is so inhumane that only nonexistent remedies would make their lives tolerable: “Some ideas include breeding genetically modified animals who are insensitive to pain, culturing non-sentient animal products in a lab, and giving chickens virtual reality helmets so that they think they are living in a nice environment even if they’re not.” Based on his own description about how farm animals are tortured (“Even small, high-welfare farms tend to subject their animals to at least some painful procedures like castration without anesthetic, dehorning or the separation of mothers and their newborn children”), his conclusion should be “don’t eat animals.” Instead, he seems to be justifying animal consumption by suggesting that animals are ignorant and that the parallels we make between human and animal suffering are “unsound.” The phrase “former vegan” is,  in and of itself, a detriment to the animal rights movement because it suggests that they “saw the light” and realized that eating animals is a good thing. If you’re going to betray the animals and the movement to protect them, please go away quietly.

Ex Vegan Rhys Southan's Blog

Ex-Vegan Rhys Southan