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Aspen Museum Under Fire For Exhibiting I-Pad-toting Tortoises

August 7, 2014 by Leave a Comment

The News

Excitement surrounding the opening of Aspen’s new $45 million art museum has been overshadowed by anger over a two month exhibit of African tortoises walking around with iPads mounted to their shells. The iPads are displaying photos of “Aspen Ghost Towns” (whatever that means). In response to protests, a local vet issued a statement: “The tortoises have adapted well to their new habitat, and the iPads have not interfered in any way with their natural behavior.” Aspen resident Lisbeth Oden, who has experience working with tortoises, says, “To have anything attached to them is exploitation for human enjoyment.”


News & Opinion

African turtles belong in Africa, not in Aspen — serving as mobile TV stands for a thoughtless artist and museum curator. According to the museum, these turtles were “rescued” from a breeder where they were living in an over-crowded pen. Is the artist going to take care of these turtles for life when the exhibit ends?  Doubtful!  This museum should place these tortoises in a sanctuary and then have an exhibit of photos entitled “From Museum Captivity to Freedom.” Here’s an online petition to shut down his exploitive exhibit. Please share.