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Activists Protest Running of the Bulls in San Francisco Suburb

July 29, 2014 by Leave a Comment

The News

In Pleasanton, which is a San Francisco suburb, about 2,500 people raced two dozen bulls on Saturday during the “Great Bull Run,” the American version of the running of the bulls in Pamplona Spain.  Several dozen protesters held signs that read, “It’s not entertainment, it’s violence.”  Animal-rights activists sued to stop the bull runs, but the case wasn’t resolved in time to stop Saturday’s event.

News & Opinion

Stupidity plus cruelty is a lethal combination for both people and animals, and running with bulls is both stupid and cruel.   It’s stupid because bulls can and do gore people with their horns, and it’s cruel because the bulls are scared, confused and running for their lives.  They have no way of knowing that they’re participating in a recreational activity for thoughtless members of another species.   To learn more about why running bulls is cruel, please visit PETA’s website on the issue.