Their Turn - The Social Justice Movement of Our Time Their Turn - The Social Justice Movement of Our Time

Video: Animal Rights Activists Stage Disruption Inside New York Blood Center

June 4, 2015 by Leave a Comment

The News

Six days after the NY Times reported that the New York Blood Center abandoned 66 of its lab chimps, leaving them to die on islands in Liberia with no food or water, activists in New York City staged a disruption at its headquarters, demanding that the organization reinstates the funding.

Activists protest NYBC's decision to abandon chimps after experimenting on them for 30 years

Activists protest NYBC’s decision to abandon chimps after experimenting on them for 30 years

NY Blood Center Protest

Activists did not alert the media, but Fox News heard about the protest and sent a cameraman

Hundreds of pedestrians stopped to take leaflets, ask questions and convey their support

Hundreds of pedestrians stopped to take leaflets, ask questions and convey their support

Activists plan to protest until the NY Blood Center reinstates funding for the chimps who they left to die.

Activists plan to protest until the NY Blood Center reinstates funding for the chimps who they left to die.

Your Turn

For updates on the campaign to get the NY Blood Center to reinstate funds, please join the Facebook page: NY Blood Center: Do the Right Thing

Send an automated letter to the NY Blood Center.

Call Christopher Hillyer, the President & CEO of the NY Blood Center, and demand that his organization fulfills its obligation and promise to provide lifelong care to the chimpanzees used in their medical experiments: (212) 570-3000.

Sign the petition “to urge NYBC to reinstate funding for this chimpanzee colony before it’s too late!”

Comments via Facebook Comments

  1. Angus Davidson says:

    The New York Times article can be found here. It refers to an article by Dr. Alfred M. Prince (now unfortunately deceased) in the December 2005 issue of the American Society of Primatologists Bulletin. This is available here as a pdf. Dr. Prince’s article is on p. 15; there’s also a link to the Bulletin in the Times article.

    The sentence that Victoria O’Neill says “was Dr. Prince’s opinion” and “not authorized or approved” by the Blood Center is the second sentence of a two-sentence paragraph that reads:

    “The New York Blood Center (NYBC) is seeking a foundation and a primatologist dedicated to the goals of chimpanzee welfare, conservation, and conservation education to undertake long term responsibility for management of the Sanctuary. NYBC recognizes its responsibility to provide an endowment to fund the Sanctuary for the lifetime care of the chimpanzees.”

    The first sentence summarizes the purpose of the article having been written and printed in the first place. Presumably, then, the statement is factual. But the *second* sentence–oh, *that* one was “opinion” and “not authorized or approved” by the Blood Center. Riiiiight.

    Dr. Prince’s article later says:

    “The Blood Center is looking for a dedicated primatologist who would welcome the opportunity to direct such a Sanctuary. The director would, however, need a sponsoring institution or foundation to assume long term responsibility and fiscal oversight.”

    “Fiscal oversight,” eh? Why would Dr. Prince and/or the Blood Center be concerned about fiscal oversight? Oh yeah, because the funds would be coming from the endowment that they were planning to establish.

    Or was the entire article “opinion” and “not authorized”? If so, did the Blood Center have a retraction published? Did they ever talk to/interview any primatologists for the job?

    O’Neill is quoted in the Times article as saying, that the Blood Center “did not ever establish any endowment for animal care, chimpanzees included.” Obviously not. But will she admit that they *intended* to? And, if so, what transpired between 2005 and 2015 that resulted in this dead-end situation with the Blood Center–and Victoria O’Neill–washing their hands of it all (“Out, damned spot! Out, I say!”).

  2. Manon Morin says:

    Please help the chimps !!!

  3. Idiots low life humans. You are filfthy just like your fifthy soul and heart!!!

  4. Senem C. birinci says:

    Stop abusing animals …. You sickos and cruel monsters !!!! It’s disgusting and a disgrace. They have a right to live!!!!

  5. Gina says:

    Yaaay !! Shame on NYBC!

  6. Natasha Brenner says:

    Victoria says they have no contractual obligation. They have no humanity either! Disgusting, disgusting, disgusting!

  7. gloria gonzalez says:

    It is incredible, in the firt world I suppose must be more concious

  8. Alessandra says:

    E’ un grave atto. Gravissimo.

  9. Ricky Beyers says:

    Stop the cruelty !!!!
    Those who are guilty of these atrocities should hang their heads in shame !!!!

  10. Lone Fundby says:

    Power to the activists – this is absolutely disgraceful! Shame

  11. Debbie Ziegler says:


  12. Susan Vaughn says:

    These non-humans animals have historically given and continue to give their lives we humans. Why are they now being treated in this manner. Despicable. Ungrateful. Utterly shameful.

  13. Larry Trepel says:

    Great work, wish I had been in NYC for this. Maybe we can’t turn everyone into a vegan in a year, but publicity and demonstrations on this type of an issue perpetrated by one company can really make a difference.

  14. Edem Eniang says:

    There are several angles to look at this burning issue! We are still grappling with Ebola in West Africa with no permanent solution in sight. Why Liberia (West Africa)of all places all of a sudden for such a macabre act from the USA? I suspect those involved have a hidden agenda!

  15. nicole Levieux says:

    et les américains veulent donner des leçons aux autres pays? beurk, c’est a vomir

  16. DE BOCK RENEE says:

    Animals has rights! Stop abandem them! We need animals in our life.

  17. stop this crueltys, take your responsibility now!!!

  18. Jose Cruz says:

    you need to do what’s right for these animals. These animals are our earth brothers and sisters that you used to make hundreds of millions of dollars. This will not go unnoticed. So what’s right and take care of these beautiful animals.

  19. Donna Spell says:

    Provide superior life long care for these animals

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