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A Thanksgiving Message to SeaWorld: “Now You Sea It. Now You Don’t”

November 27, 2014 by Leave a Comment


In a recent press interview, SeaWorld’s CEO, Jim Atchison, said the park’s orcas have “great lives, full lives” and “enriching and socially well-adjusted lives.” One month earlier, SeaWorld’s senior veterinarian, Christopher Dodd, said, “I can unequivocally state that our whales are thriving, both mentally and physically.”

SeaWorld San Diego (photo: Mike Blake/Reuters)

SeaWorld San Diego (photo: Mike Blake/Reuters)

By defending killer whale captivity, Atchison and Dodd, who are cementing shameful legacies for themselves, have chosen to dig in their heels instead of creating coastal sanctuaries where the orcas can be rehabilitated before potentially being released. Their focus on short-term profits is bad not only for the whales but also for the long-term prospects of SeaWorld, which could go out of business if it doesn’t adapt:



Happy ThanksKilling, SeaWorld. As you continue to mentally and physically kill your whale prisoners, members of the thinking public will continue to kill your extraordinarily cruel business.

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  1. Animalover says:

    Money talks while scruples and ethics walk! But not for long! Soon the deficits will outweight the income, and that will be the final death knell for Sea World. They cannot overcome the reality of the cruelty involved in keeping these intelligent sea mammals captive prisoners for nothing more than pure greed!

    As the public becomes more aware of the abuse of animals for entertainment purposes, they will no longer accept anything less than freedom for these slaves of a sadistic industry that exploits helpless, innocent creatures for profit…and the big “lie will die”!!!!

    Ringling Brothers, is next! We’re coming to get you!

    1. Dianne Hallman says:

      Well said!

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