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Israeli Activists Use Street Theater to Shine Spotlight on Hidden Abuse

October 20, 2014 by Leave a Comment

The News

Using provocative street theater, a determined group of Israeli activists is attempting to shut down one of the world’s most extreme, but under the radar, forms of animal abuse: live transports. According to the activist group, Against Live Transports, about 200,000 sheep and cattle are shipped each year from Australia to Israel. The entire 7,600 mile journey is treacherous, but the activists are calling attention to the one part for which they have the most documentation – the unloading of the animals.


The ships hold up to 30,000 live animals

Photo: Against Live Transport

Photo: Against Live Transports

Usually in the dark of night to avoid public exposure, workers force frantic cows and sheep, who are weak from the long journey, down the ramps by kicking, punching and electrically prodding them.

Photo: Against Live Trasports

Photo: Against Live Transports

Israeli activists as animals

Photo: Against Live Transports

The activists’ efforts are having an impact. A local TV station aired a story not only about the unloading of the animals but also about the treacherous aftermath, when they are abused on farms before being slaughtered.

In addition to engaging in street theater, Against Animal Transports is “working on many other avenues, legal and political” to end the Australian exports. On those efforts, the group is collaborating with Let the Animals Live and Anonymous For Animal Rights.

Your Turn

Please sign the petition to end all live shipments to Eilat, a tourist city in Israel.

Comments via Facebook Comments

  1. Abraham says:

    What about people abuse? Any activist working on that?

  2. Adriana Ginzalez says:

    Stopppppp animals abuse!!

  3. chizu ueda. says:

    STOP !!!!!!!STOP !!!!!!!STOP !!!!!!!STOP !!!!!!!STOP !!!!!!!STOP !!!!!!!STOP !!!!!!!

  4. Lack of compassion for ANIMALS. Antiquated thinking .

  5. These abusers should rot in hell!!!

  6. Shawna Heck says:

    Please stop this abuse!! The ppl involved should burn in hell!!

  7. Animal abuse is never ok. The land of God should not allow this ever!

  8. Sherry says:

    That’s incredible what the activists are doing. I’m not surprised all of this is done at night.

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