Their Turn - The Social Justice Movement of Our Time Their Turn - The Social Justice Movement of Our Time

3 Reasons Why Farm Sanctuaries Are Vital to the Animal Rights Movement

December 28, 2014 by Leave a Comment


Farm animal sanctuaries are vital to the animal rights movement. Following are three reasons why:

1. Sanctuaries give life to to thousands of chickens, cows, pigs, horses and other farm animals who knew nothing but neglect, deprivation, abuse, mutilation and confinement.

Photo: Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary

Photo: Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary

2. Farm sanctuaries enable people who eat and wear animals to bond with them, which can – and does -influence many to leave animals off their plates and out of their closets.

Photo: Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary

Photo: Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary

Jenny Brown and Doug Abel, the co-founders of Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary in upstate New York, have shared the stories of many of the animals to whom given refuge. Today, we meet – and fall in love with – Fawn. Her moving story is helping to expose and educate those who have not yet made the connection between individual animals and the food on their plates.

3. Farm sanctuaries serve as a “recharging station” for activists who work to protect them through vegan outreach, protests, lobbying and other forms of advocacy.

TheirTurn visits Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary

TheirTurn’s Donny Moss visits Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary


Your Turn

Please learn more about the life-saving work of Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary and consider making an end-of-year contribution. All donations made before January 1st will be doubled by Woodstock benefactors.

Jenny and Fawn cow

Woodstock’s Jenny Brown with Fawn


Comments via Facebook Comments

  1. Natasha Brenner says:

    MEMO TO JOHN BARTLETT: Get in line!

  2. Terry says:

    We know all too well how horrifically animals suffer on factory farms and in slaughter houses. Farm sanctuaries at least make it possible for some of the animals to be rescued and to live the lives they were meant to live, free from human exploitation. Some of them also play a vital role in getting legislation introduced and passed that would protect animals from the worst abuse, and also play a role in educating the public, hopefully getting more people to adopt a vegan lifestyle, which is probably the most important thing when it comes to rescuing farm animals from abuse.

    It’s a shame that so many people still refuse to give up eating animal products. Not only are they directly responsible for animal suffering, but they endanger their own health every day. I’m hopeful that in future generations, starting with today’s young people, more and more will decide that being vegan is the best thing for the animals, the environment, and themselves.

  3. Running a sanctuary for rescued chickens, turkeys, ducks and guinea fowl since 1985, I would add to the three vital reasons cited here for the importance of farmed animal sanctuaries that running a sanctuary enables the directors and staff to speak on behalf of the animal residents with first-hand knowledge, thus with the credibility that is needed to counter the false ideas about these animals put out by agribusiness. Also, when you have a personal relationship with the animals at your sanctuary, and you know them. you can never forget why you are an animal rights vegan advocate. The reasons are real flesh, blood and feelings, not just abstract.

    1. Terry says:

      Very good point, Karen.

    2. Debbie Godschalk says:

      I salute you. I have been talking with my husband about selling our home and opening an animal sanctuary in the future. I do not know exactly how I would go about this but I will find out exactly what I need to do and how to get it started. If you have any tips for me I would love to hear from you.

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