Their Turn - The Social Justice Movement of Our Time Their Turn - The Social Justice Movement of Our Time

Activists to Engage in Civil Disobedience

September 22, 2014 by Leave a Comment

The News

With the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) chasing and trapping horses on public lands and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service refusing to intervene, activists with Friends of Animals (FOA) will, on Monday, engage in civil disobedience to disrupt, protest and raise awareness of the government’s reckless roundup of America’s wild horses. The direct action will take place at a location in Rock Springs, Wyoming being disclosed only the media.

wild horse roundup

Edita Birnkrant, Friends of Animals

During the most recent roundup in Wyoming, the BLM kidnapped 179 horses, tearing apart families and killing three horses in the process. The government is clearing the land of horses on behalf of cattle ranchers, who covet the public land for grazing.

In addition to engaging in civil disobedience, FOA plans to sue the government for its failure to list the quickly vanishing horses as “threatened” or “endangered” under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), a designation that represents the best hope for their survival. Wild horses have already been exterminated in six states.

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  1. Yet another example of people with (probably) big money or access to it, friends in high places willing to bend the rules, and government run amok. I hope someone or something – an organization like FOA for instance – manages to put a stop to this. I hope this gets wide-spread media attention. I was unaware this was going on – until now. Thank you for posting. FYI, there is an organization in Canada (which I support), called “Canadian Horse Defense Coalition”, and I bet they’d be interested in knowing about this too – if they don’t already. I wouldn’t be surprised in the least if it’s also happening here in Canada. Attached above is their Website.

  2. Stefanie says:

    Thank God for activists!

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